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“I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.” - Frederick Douglas

  • While being in community with one another our physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual safety is the top priority.

  • We recognize some of the impacts of racism are internalized oppression and work to identify and release all that comes with this form of trauma.

  • We are mindful of the presence and impacts of Whiteness, such as code-switching, in our dialog and seek to create a welcome authentic space.



“The most essential ingredient for harmonious relationships is mutual respect.” - Karen Garvey

  • We honor and respect each other as unique individuals.

  • We invite multiple perspectives into our dialog, by doing so we acknowledge Black excellence as anti-dote to the pervasiveness of the anti-Blackness we often experience.

  • The RTB committee and it’s constituents reserve the right to refuse individuals and groups participation in its forums to uphold these practices.

  • We are mindful and work to address not only the impacts of racism but also it’s intersecting forms of oppression while in community with one another.